At the beginning of my search, for qualified individuals, to be referee or judges for an event in “South Asian Kickboxing”;I met Richard O’Connor.
We connected right away at our first meeting, having quite some similar past; him in the army; me in the police. A 20 year military veteran, and ex Army combative instructor, Richard is the trainer of Muay Thai at Franklin Martial Arts, where Andrew Wallace teaches also Tae Kwon Do, and Shane Brady, a brown belt under Bruno Souza, teaches Jiu Jitsu. The school has a very warm and friendly atmosphere, where everybody seems to knows each other.. It’s configuration allowed different classes to be taught at the same time. A room all the way to the back of the building, divided by a curtains is where the action take place, for Muay Thai.. Behind a glass window I witnessed first hand the training of a fleet of “young” fighters, by their relatively new experience, but not for their Skills set(Mike Ellis), their heart( Cullen Wetherell), their fighting spirit (Blacked eyed, at the time, Rebecca Grady) their determination and focus ( Rebecca Allen). Soon , all of them guaranteed, trough the hand of Richard, and couple of fights with Noboundaryfight promotion to be seasoned fighters!!!!
I have no doubt that this school will play a big part in the years to come ,in The Muay Thai fight scene in Massachusetts.